Friday, July 23, 2010

Fingerprint File

(Warning: some language is NSFW.)

A few years ago I compiled a CD of some of my favourite Rolling Stones songs. A couple of months ago I thought I would like to compile another Stones CD so I could put their R&B, funk and disco songs together on one disc. I did this, but it bothered me that I now had two Rolling Stones CDs with different genres sprinkled throughout, and there were songs on each disc which I thought would better compliment songs on the other. I usually compile single-artist discs chronologically, but this time I wanted discs which flowed nicely. Now that this had turned into a double disc set I was unhappy with the overall flow. (Yes, I am a geek.)

So... I threw all of the songs from both discs into one folder, rearranged the contents and separated them into two 80-minute chunks. By gently editing some extraneous seconds of silence from a few tracks and using a single edit of one song I was able to add a couple of extra songs with this new arrangement. Win/win.

I thought I would share the tracklisting, although I have no intention of sharing the actual music files herein. I'm sure one can find them in whatever legal or illegal fashion one prefers, cos, like, it's the fuckin' Stones, mang. The band is slightly popular.

The Rolling Stones
Fingerprint File

Disc One:

01. 19th Nervous Breakdown
02. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow?
03. Jumpin' Jack Flash
04. Street Fighting Man
05. Under My Thumb
06. We Love You
07. 2000 Light Years From Home
08. Sympathy For The Devil
09. Gimme Shelter
10. Midnight Rambler
11. Sister Morphine
12. Cocksucker Blues
13. Let It Bleed
14. Let It Loose
15. Wild Horses
16. Moonlight Mile
17. Waiting On A Friend

Disc Two:

01. You Can't Always Get What You Want (single edit)
02. No Expectations
03. Sway
04. Live With Me
05. Bitch
06. Happy
07. Star Star
08. Shattered
09. She's So Cold
10. Start Me Up
11. Undercover Of The Night
12. Hot Stuff
13. Dance
14. Too Much Blood
15. Emotional Rescue
16. Miss You
17. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker)
18. Fingerprint File

While there are a few big singles included, this is not exactly a greatest hits. I think "Cocksucker Blues" is a great song - one of my favourite Stones blues dirges. It would have fit on Sticky Fingers nicely. From Snopes:

When the Stones decided to leave Decca Records and start their own label (Rolling Stones Records) in 1970, Decca informed them that their contract obligated them to deliver one more single. The Stones dutifully complied by handing over the unreleasable "Schoolboy Blues," also known as "Cocksucker Blues." (Strangely enough, the song was eventually released by Decca in Germany, as a bonus single included with the 1983 four-LP boxed set The Rest of the Best. The set was quickly pulled and rereleased without the single.)

"Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow?" is one of the weirdest singles they ever released - such an awesome rave-up.

I am not thinking eloquently enough to comment on some of the more transcendent songs included ("Sway," "No Expectations," "Let It Loose," "Moonlight Mile)." Let me just say that sometimes Stones songs can be unexpectedly moving.

I am not thinking eloquently enough to really comment on some of the more rocking songs included, but let me say that "Bitch" makes me want to get up and dance every single time I hear it. However, I mostly just dance in my heart. I am the Jimmy Carter of dancing.

Sometimes the Stones can be endearingly goofy:

I was going to include the video for "Waiting On A Friend" because (a) they're hanging out on St. Mark's Place, and (b) Mick and Keith really make me giggle, but I can't embed it. You can see it here.

However, I can include the video for "Too Much Blood" - the song which was the impetus for compiling the second disc. I think that the Undercover LP is hugely underrated, and this song is especially fun. Mick is really amusing and Keith and Ronnie wield chainsaws in this video - what's not to love?

"Oh no, don't saw off me leg, don't saw off me arm." Classic!

I think that's more than enough embedded videos to cause my browser to freeze... I think this is a nifty double disc set. Hopefully someone else will agree.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Babe magnet in a scarf.

Oh dear. I stumbled upon this today (via Unreasonable Faith):

...which then led to this:

Did God make Adam Hood the way he is just to torture him for the rest of his life with innate longings he is not allowed to fulfill? The majority of fundamentalist and evangelical Christians (including Adam Hood) seem to think that this is how their god works.

And now Adam is 'cured?' Who does this queen think she's fooling? Gay men have been marrying and having sex with women for thousands of years, and it hasn't made one of them straight. It just helps them to pass as straight, and I guess - to some minds - sex with a woman is better than no sex at all.

No, it hasn't made them straight - it's just made them desperate and sad and delusional. Apparently lying to oneself, one's wife, one's child, and everyone else is infinitely holier than being an open, honest, well-adjusted, happy human being.

If this supposed god is as omniscient and all-powerful as people have been led to believe for thousands of years, then surely s/he knows exactly who you really are, anyway, and there is no point pretending to be something you're not. How can you have an honest relationship with your god if you can't have an honest relationship with yourself?

Religious leaders who do not practice what they preach often get their asses handed to them - and quite rightly so.

The site Christian Gays has a lot of information regarding the Bible and its misuse with regard to homosexuality. If you find yourself at conflict with your church, but are determined to remain religious, either find a denomination which accepts you for who you are, or disregard the aspects you don't like. People do that all the time in religion - if not, people would still be selling their daughters, stoning adulterers and keeping slaves.

The Christian Gays site above also has numerous links to support sites for people struggling with these issues. A couple other sites of interest:

Steps to Recover from Bible Abuse
Recovering Fundamentalists

But, back to poor, misguided Adam above... Not all homosexuals are fatherless. (I was not fatherless until my father, sadly, passed away last year.) Not all homosexuals participate in anal sex (see here) -- and certainly anyone of any gender/orientation with a grain of sense in 2010 practices safe sex, which it seems Adam does/did not. (Also, Adam, I'm not a biologist, but I don't think sperm eat anything.) Not all homosexuals use Ecstasy, GHB, or Ketamine (never tried anything harder than pot myself). Not all homosexuals suffered from abuse (never experienced any myself - except verbally from fundamentalist Christians). It sounds like Adam had a very unhappy life and is now trying to blame it all on his sexual orientation.

I wonder how Jesus felt when Adam screamed his name upon consummating his sham marriage? I wonder how Jesus likes his scarf? I'm sure Jesus likes the very straight finger snaps punctuating a couple of his statements. The last couple of minutes of that second video seem like something from an SNL skit.

"Ex-gays" like Adam really boil my blood. In conclusion, I say:

(There are errors in the lyrics displayed in that video, to my dismay, but I didn't create it. The proper Lily Allen video is quite amusing, but I couldn't embed it. See it here.)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Einstein Game Goes Mental

When I was a young lad I owned a game named Einstein. This was a hand-held electronic memory game - a knock-off of the very popular game Simon. The game played "Charge" if you won and "Beethoven's Fifth" if you lost -- and if you got pissed off and smacked it in the right spot it spat this out at you:

...and would keep doing so until you turned it off or until the batteries died.

I recorded the possessed Einstein onto audio cassette sometime in the mid-1980s. I am not sure what became of my game after this. I presume it got sucked back into hell.

You can learn more about Einstein from plasticfetish, from whom I stole the images used in this video (thanks).

Monday, March 29, 2010

Come on in - the water's lovely...

So, first Sean Hayes came out last week, and now Ricky Martin this week... I think it is always a good thing when a celebrity comes out - regardless of how long it takes.

While coming out is not always easy and everyone has his/her own reasons for staying in, here's a tip for those still in the closet: almost everyone knows who you are already. I guarantee it.

Surely Sean Hayes and Ricky Martin coming out is no surprise to anyone. Can Kevin Spacey be far behind?

'A'-week celebrations

I am participating in 'A'-week on Facebook to "help raise awareness that the world is full of people who are 'good without God' and who don't need religion to influence their lives."

While all theistic belief seems equally ridiculous, I am most familiar with the Abrahamic God, and I cannot fathom how this petty, jealous, sexist and vengeful being would be worthy of worship if he did exist.

What this week needs is a theme song. This one might be good:

[via some other blog I forget from a few days ago...]

I Feel Disco Good

This probably should have been the first post last year...a simultaneously silly and awesome disco song from the wonderful and frightening world of Henri Belolo and Jacques Morali (a/k/a Can't Stop Productions).

Let's do it, baby.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Drunk Girls

Excerpts from the upcoming LCD Soundsystem LP are beginning to appear around the web.

This is the official listening post from Parlophone for the first single:

It's OK and to be honest it grows on me a little more with each listen, but I prefer the sound of this sort of thing more:

...which is a cover of a Peter Gordon & Love of Life Orchestra song:

The cover isn't slated to be on the new LCD album, nor are recent excellent singles "Big Ideas" and "Bye Bye Bayou."

...Big Ideas:

...Bye Bye Bayou:

Am I evil for hoping the full album leaks soon? People seem to have copies...