Monday, March 29, 2010

Come on in - the water's lovely...

So, first Sean Hayes came out last week, and now Ricky Martin this week... I think it is always a good thing when a celebrity comes out - regardless of how long it takes.

While coming out is not always easy and everyone has his/her own reasons for staying in, here's a tip for those still in the closet: almost everyone knows who you are already. I guarantee it.

Surely Sean Hayes and Ricky Martin coming out is no surprise to anyone. Can Kevin Spacey be far behind?

'A'-week celebrations

I am participating in 'A'-week on Facebook to "help raise awareness that the world is full of people who are 'good without God' and who don't need religion to influence their lives."

While all theistic belief seems equally ridiculous, I am most familiar with the Abrahamic God, and I cannot fathom how this petty, jealous, sexist and vengeful being would be worthy of worship if he did exist.

What this week needs is a theme song. This one might be good:

[via some other blog I forget from a few days ago...]

I Feel Disco Good

This probably should have been the first post last year...a simultaneously silly and awesome disco song from the wonderful and frightening world of Henri Belolo and Jacques Morali (a/k/a Can't Stop Productions).

Let's do it, baby.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Drunk Girls

Excerpts from the upcoming LCD Soundsystem LP are beginning to appear around the web.

This is the official listening post from Parlophone for the first single:

It's OK and to be honest it grows on me a little more with each listen, but I prefer the sound of this sort of thing more:

...which is a cover of a Peter Gordon & Love of Life Orchestra song:

The cover isn't slated to be on the new LCD album, nor are recent excellent singles "Big Ideas" and "Bye Bye Bayou."

...Big Ideas:

...Bye Bye Bayou:

Am I evil for hoping the full album leaks soon? People seem to have copies...